TransCenter for Youth

School district

Help and Support Center

Initial Troubleshooting


  1. Confirm that the Chromebook is connected to the Internet.

  2. If there are network problems, restart your router.

  3. Restart browser.

  4. Check that the battery is not low.

  5. Log out and back in to your account.

  6. Restart the Chromebook.

  7. Contact Support via one of the options below.


  1. Confirm that the MacBook is connected to the Internet.

  2. If there are network problems, restart your router.

  3. Restart browser.

  4. Quit programs that are not currently being used.

  5. Clicking the red X only closes the window, it DOES NOT quit the program. Command + Q will quit the program.

  6. Check that the battery is not low.

  7. Quit all programs and restart computer.

  8. Contact Support via one of the options below.

Windows PC

  1. Confirm that the computer is connected to the Internet

  2. If there are network problems, restart your router

  3. Restart browser

  4. Quit programs that are not currently being used

  5. Check that the battery is not low

  6. Quit all programs and restart computer

  7. Contact Support via one of the options below.

Get in touch.

Available Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm CST